Have 100 seconds?
You could win


to launch your business!

(It’s as easy as recording a 100-second video!)

Las presentaciones están cerradas
Presentación de candidaturas cerradas
Las presentaciones están cerradas
Presentación de candidaturas cerradas

cómo funciona

Cualquier persona, desde cualquier lugar y en cualquier idioma, puede presentar una idea, ¡y sólo tarda 100 segundos! Puedes presentar más de una idea.
  • Ideas can be submitted from May 3, 2024 to July 8, 2024
  • On July 15, 2024, the 100 finalists are announced
  • Se conceden 1.000 dólares a cada uno de los 100 para preparar el Demo Day
  • Demo Day takes place on September 18 at Calder Plaza
  • Se conceden 20.000 dólares a los ganadores del Demo Day

Start Garden and Northern Initiatives have partnered to increase the startup funds for the annual 100 competition!

An option for the 10 finalists to receive loans from Northern Initiatives brings the total in startup awards for the Start Garden 100 to $500,000. Northern Initiatives, a community development financial institution, has been providing capital and support to small businesses across Michigan for 30 years.

Each of the 10 winners will be offered up to $20,000 as a loan from Northern Initiatives in addition to the $20,000 no-strings-attached grant that Start Garden awards. It will be up to each individual entrepreneur to decide if they want to accept the $20,000 loan according to where their business is at the time. This is potentially up to $40,000 to put into your business!

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