Not everybody is an entrepreneur, but everybody should have a shot at becoming one. Every would-be entrepreneur accesses a little capital to try out a new idea. A few thousand dollars to try a new concept is harder to come by than a $100,000 loan once the business has been running a couple years.

Start Garden created The 100 as a no-strings-attached way to fund people to take a shot at new endeavors each year. It’s a community-wide investment in the businesses and organizations of tomorrow. 

The 100 exists to open the gate for the whole community to try out new ideas each year, knowing that some can be life-changing.

It’s only 100 seconds.

Don’t hold back. Take a chance on yourself.

Until July 8, anyone can submit a 100-second pitch from anywhere, in any language.

100 days to $100,000.

On July 15, we will announce The 100 that have been submitted to the website to receive $1,000 each. The 100 have about two months to do the work of figuring out how they can be viable businesses or projects.

And there’s more. $20,000 more.

All of The 100 must present to a group at our Demo Day held at GLC Live at 20 Monroe on September 18. A minimum of 10 will be selected for another $20,000 to keep incubating their projects.

But it’s not about the money.

It’s about giving would-be entrepreneurs a chance to join a community of like-minded mentors, advisors and friends that can build and grow with them for years to come.

Take your shot. The worst that can happen is that nothing happens.

what’s your big idea?

“Eek! What happens if I share my idea with the world?”

Best case scenario, it changes the world. Worst case scenario, nothing happens. So, see if something happens. Share and learn!